about me

I create beautiful designs and illustrations, that stand out from common stuffs.

"Tout au long de ma vie, je fus conduit à comprendre que la beauté, la lisibilité et, dans une certaine mesure, la banalité sont des notions très proches." adrian frutiger


My Bio

During my experience working in Corporate communication, I managed high value added publishing projects, both online and off line, for Key Accounts such as : IndexOfDesign, Campus de la Fonderie de l'Image, CEA (French Nuclear energy Commission), French authority of nuclear safety , french ministry of equipment, direction des Routes, Laboratoire des Ponts et Chaussées, Arcelor, EDF, Bull, Europe & Entreprises, French Cancer Research Association , Centre Georges Pompidou Museum…
While in charge of projects in the agencies or with the announcers, I managed teams of graphic designers, developers, photographers, illustrators, translators to achieve the best return on investment. Enjoy!

Skill Set

Logo Design40%
Print Design80%


2000 Jan - Present

Free Lance Graphic Designer

2004 Oct - 2012 SEP

Teacher at Campus de la Fonderie de l'Image

1994 JUn - 2000 JuN

Graphic Designer at Patrick Wolf Communication Agency


The Clients